Be prepared for the future AI Revolution

UDOM AI COMMUNITY is a Student-led community at The University of Dodoma focusing on developing skills in Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as well as solving community problems using data related technologies.

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A brief history of Udom AI Community


Udom AI Community was initiated.


First indabaX event to be conducted in Tanzania


Participated in UmojaHack for the first time


Participated in UmojaHack for the second time.

Founders: Frederick Apina, Nyamos Waigama, Miss Martha and Ibrahim Mtandu.

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Goals of the Community

Connect and Collaborate

With like-minded people from across the country.

Learn AI

As a skill through meetups and workshops.

Get Access to the right resources

Curated from across the world.

Participate in Online challenges

To test your AI knowledge and up-level yourself

Discuss, Deliberate & Share

On relevant AI topics through Blogs & Forum section.

Build social impact solutions

Using your AI knowledge and get an opportunity to showcase them in national and international competitions.

Sights from past Events

IndabaXTZ 2019
IndabaXTZ 2019
IndabaXTZ 2019
IndabaXTZ 2019
IndabaXTZ 2019
IndabaXTZ 2019

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Let's Get In Touch!

Our vision to become a center of excellence in Artificial Intelligence activities in the region.